Surface Trapping in Oblique Nanostructured Growths (STRONG)
Software developed by Rafael Alvarez and Alberto Palmero at the Materials Science Institute of Seville, Seville (SPAIN).
STRONG performs Monte Carlo simulations of the growth of nanostructured thin films deposited by the physical vapor deposition technique at oblique angles.
STRONG requires to have installed the
freely distributable MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR). Once it is installed, open STRONG.exe to start the program (first time STRONG is executed, it may take a few seconds to start due to MCR initialization). Download MCR (Windows/Mac).

R. Alvarez, C. Lopez-Santos, J. Parra-Barranco, V. Rico, A. Barranco, J. Cotrino, A. R. Gonzalez-Elipe and A. Palmero, “Nanocolumnar Growth of Thin Films deposited at Oblique Angles: Beyond the Tangent Rule”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 32 041802 (2014).
Download STRONG software and User Manual (Windows/Mac)