Image Domains UNcovered (IDUN)
Software developed by Rafael Alvarez and Alberto Palmero at the Materials Science Institute of Seville, Seville (SPAIN).
IDUN identifies all unconnected regions in each image. It operates according to the following sequential protocol: i) the brightness and contrast inhomogeneity of the image are locally enhanced to avoid inhomogeneity. ii) The image is converted into a black and white binary map. iii) Features with size below certain threshold are considered noise and are removed, and iv) a MatLAB-based numerical routine is employed to differentiate each independent domain.

IDUN requires to have installed the freely distributable MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR). Once it is installed, open IDUN.exe to start the program (first time IDUN is executed, it may take a few seconds to start due to MCR initialization). Download MCR.
C. Lopez-Santos, R. Alvarez, A. Garcia-Valenzuela, V. Rico, M. Loeffel, A.R. Gonzalez-Elipe, A. Palmero, “Nanocolumnar Association and Domain Formation in Porous Thin Films Grown by Evaporation at Oblique Angles”, Nanotechnology 27 (2016) 395702.